Beszállító: Radar Europe B.V.

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2021-09-17   Technical Assistance for the Implementation of Component 4 - MENA Terrorism Trends and Situation Report in the... (European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL))
CEPOL is seeking to implement the Component 4 MENA Terrorism Trends and Situation Report and related capacity building activities under the EU funded CEPOL led project Enhancing Information and Criminal Justice Response to Terrorism in the Middle East and North Africa (CT INFLOW) to support partner countries in Africa and the Middle East, as well as international organizations such as the African Union and the League of Arab States, to enhance a common understanding of the threat assessment processes and … A beszerzés megtekintése »
Megemlített beszállítók: Radar Europe B.V. Violence Prevention Network gGmbH VNG International B.V.