Supply of Rotary evaporation system, Benchtop Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) Spectrometer, Gas chromatograph–mass spectrometer (GC-MS) and High pressure liquid chromatograph (HPLC)

Bűnügyi Szakértői és Kutatóintézet – Hungarian Institute for Forensic Sciences

Lot N° 1: Rotary evaporation system including a rotary evaporator and a diaphragm pump systems (chemical resistant). 1 piece.
Lot N° 2: Benchtop Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) Spectrometer: 1 piece.
Quick and reliable identification of constituents of drugs and related compounds.
Lot N° 3: Gas chromatograph–mass spectrometer (GC-MS): 1 piece.
A compact PC-controlled benchtop GC/MS system, with GC suitable for separation of drugs and toxic components and an MS with quadrupole mass analyzer for identification of substances.
High pressure liquid chromatograph (HPLC): 1 piece.
Separate a mixture of components with the purpose of identifying, quantifying the individual components of the mixture by DAD detector.
For each instrument: installation, testing must be performed in Szeged. Connected delivery task must be also achieved. The system must be warranted for min. one year from the date of installation. Local on-site (in Hungary) service must be available. Supplier shall provide guaranteeing their upkeep and repair and the rapid replenishment of spare parts for a period of 10 years. Training on regular operation of the instrument must be provided at the place of installation.

Az ajánlatok beérkezésének határideje 2013-09-23. A közbeszerzést a következő honlapon tették közzé 2013-08-14.

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Beszerzési előzmények
Dátum Dokumentum
2013-08-14 Ajánlati felhívás
2013-08-19 További információk
2013-10-18 Tájékoztató az eljárás eredményéről