Call for tenders 01/2014/NP/EITPROC for the provision of catering services for the European Institute of Innovation and Technology
The aim of the procurement procedure is to ensure the provision of catering services for the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) at the premises of the EIT (Infopark Building E, Budapest, Neumann Janos utca 1/E., 1117, HUNGARY) and in a restaurant/hotel in Budapest, for a number of participants between approx. 5–30 persons.
The contractor will be requested to provide the following services:
— task 1: the provision of catering services for meetings/events at the EIT premises,
— task 2: the provision of seated luncheon/dinner outside the EIT premises,
— task 3: provision of beverages.
For further information, please refer to the tender specifications published on the EIT website:
Az ajánlatok beérkezésének határideje 2014-07-14.
A közbeszerzést a következő honlapon tették közzé 2014-06-04.
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