Feasibility study and provision of technical expertise and support in drawing up the tender documentation for e-Net 3.0

European Police College (CEPOL)

The purpose of this invitation to tender is to conclude with the successful tenderer a direct service contract for the provision of a feasibility study and for the provision of external expertise and support in drawing up the tender documentation for the next generation of the external electronic network of the European Police College and its partner organisations (e-Net 3.0).
The contractor shall provide a general vision and detailed feasibility study for the e-Net 3.0 and subsequently shall draw up the tender documentation, which shall take into account all the required functionalities (current and advanced future ones), with a particular emphasis on data security and enhanced usability on the users' as well as administrators' side, and which shall have a realistic chance of achieving a positive response from the market in the future call for tenders for the e-Net 3.0 development, implementation, hosting, maintenance and support, within the available budget.

Az ajánlatok beérkezésének határideje 2015-07-09. A közbeszerzést a következő honlapon tették közzé 2015-05-15.

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Beszerzési előzmények
Dátum Dokumentum
2015-05-15 Ajánlati felhívás
2015-10-05 Tájékoztató az eljárás eredményéről