Provision of digital communication services
The purpose of this framework contract is to engage a company specialising in digital communications to cover all the EIT's needs in terms of digital media services with the following responsibilities:
— technical maintenance,
— Web hosting (server management),
— statistical reports,
— assistance with migration to next provider,
— risk management,
— training,
— audit of the current website (taking into account the existence of a network of EIT-related websites),
— Web project management,
— Web architecture/navigation,
— Web design,
— Web development/programming,
— content integration/integration of data,
— testing,
— launch of new website,
— evolution and continuous improvements based on user needs and emerging digital trends,
— social media audit, consulting and training,
— knowledge sharing on development of new features and campaigns for EIT/KIC social media,
— purchase of social media services,
— social media programming,
— EIT newsletter,
— search engine optimisation (SEO),
— event design,
— data visualisation,
— other specific developments,
— domain purchase,
— mobile website development,
— purchase of additional tools,
— reports or audits.
Az ajánlatok beérkezésének határideje 2017-02-02.
A közbeszerzést a következő honlapon tették közzé 2016-12-20.
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