Hosting, maintenance and support services for CEPOL's electronic network (e-Net)

European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL)

The purpose of this contract is limited to hosting, maintaining and supporting the e-Net in its current design for the duration of the framework contract.
The e-Net is based on an open source operating system, applications and databases. It is comprised of different applications.
The main services that the contractor will be asked to provide under the contract will include:
— managed hosting on dedicated servers in a controlled environment with support,
— maintenance, administration and support of the open source operating system, applications and databases of the e-Net (including but not limited to upgrading, updating and patch management).
The dedicated servers must be located within the EU Member States.
The contractor may also be asked to provide on request a range of additional services, such as:
— PHP/MySQL database development,
— Web design/user interface design,
— system engineering and maintenance.

Az ajánlatok beérkezésének határideje 2017-04-20. A közbeszerzést a következő honlapon tették közzé 2017-03-03.

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Beszerzési előzmények
Dátum Dokumentum
2017-03-03 Ajánlati felhívás
2017-04-04 További információk
2017-08-14 Tájékoztató az eljárás eredményéről