A kiválasztási kritériumok listája és rövid leírása
A Bidder/Joint Bidder is not eligible for the performance of the contract, if it does not have work experience that was (i) closed with successful technical handover-takeover procedure over the last 3 years in case of reference A) and over the last 5 years in case of references B)-E) from the dispatch of this Call for Bids (ii) and was performed in accordance with the relevant contract and regulations in:
A) completion of the licensing and / or construction (or combined licensing and construction) plan for railway lines with a cumulative length of at least 10 track km, which includes the construction or reconstruction of open line and / or station sections with the substructure and superstructure, overhead catenary system, as well as signalling equipment.
B) Track construction or reconstruction works of station and/or open railway lines with at least a cumulative length of 10 track km, including sub- and superstructure;
C) Installation/exchange of at least 15 switch groups in at least one station;
D) Construction/reconstruction of catenary on a railway network with a length of at least 10 km, with 25 kV/ 50 Hz AC system (including construction, reconstruction of poles, structural wiring and contact wire;
E) Construction/reconstruction works of at least 1 mainline relay interlocking
The CA accepts references if these were performed on “countrywide railway network” (OVP). OVP is understood as defined in Paragraph 2, Section 2.16. of law CLXXXIII of 2005. This requirement shall not be understood as a territorial restriction.
In respect of track length, 1 m of double track line is equivalent to 2 m of single track line, in case of further tracks, multiplied accordingly.
Mainline interlocking is meant as a station with at least 4 tracks for train entry.
The CA defines reconstruction of interlocking as a modification of at least 1 track.
Overlapping of references is accepted, provided all criteria are met.
A Bidder/Joint Bidder is not eligible for the performance of the contract, if it does not possess at least the following expert (intended to be included in the performance):
A) one person as Project Manager who
a) has relevant technical qualification and experience and
b) has at least 60 months of project management or deputy project manager experience in management of railway construction projects which include design as well as construction tasks;
B) 2 persons as responsible site manager (deputy project manager) who
a) have at least 3 years (36 months) of project management, deputy project management experience in management of railway construction and
b) at least one of the two persons holds qualification and experience necessary to acquire MV-KÉ license according to Government Decree (GD) 266/2013.(VII. 11.) (or equivalent).
C) one person for the reconstruction of existing interlocking who
a) holds qualification and experience necessary to acquire MV-VV licence according to GD 266/2013.(VII. 11.). (or equivalent) and
b) has at least 3 years (36 months) of experience in construction or reconstruction of station interlocking
D) one person for structures, who
a) holds qualification and experience necessary to acquire MV-KÉ licence according to GD 266/2013.(VII. 11.). (or equivalent) and
b) has at least 3 years (36 months) of experience in construction of engineering structures.
One expert can be nominated for one position.
Overlapping in professional experience (“a)”) and “special professional experience” (“b)”) is accepted.
Project manager is meant as the professional leading the construction organization, coordinates the work of Contractor and the responsible site manager, is the contact point for the Employer, and in case of a consortium, is the contact point towards the leading party of the consortium.
By Deputy project manager is meant a person who has worked beside a project manager, with a written permanent authorization to act on his/her behalf in case of his/her absence.