Provision of interim staff services for the European Institute of Innovation and Technology
The EIT wishes to conclude framework service contracts in cascade for the provision of interim staff services at its premises located in Budapest, Hungary.
The overall objective of the contract is to provide the EIT with the necessary interim personnel in a timely fashion and in line with the following job profiles:
I. technical support;
II. administrative assistant;
III. assistant;
IV. administrator.
The interim staff will complement to the EIT's statutory staff, in the case of the following enlisted circumstances:
— to replace staff member(s) in the event of maternity leave, long-term illness, parental or family leave, other short or long-term absences,
— to cope with peak periods of heavy workload, which require an additional workforce for a fixed period of time,
— to carry out, on a temporary basis, specific projects and/or tasks which require specific competencies which are not available within the EIT.
Az ajánlatok beérkezésének határideje 2016-02-29.
A közbeszerzést a következő honlapon tették közzé 2015-12-30.
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